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Pepper Shot™ is a 10% pepper spray rated at 2 million scoville heat units and made with a very fine grain that is more effective than the coarser grains of most other pepper sprays. In addition to causing an attacker pain, Pepper Shot swells the mucous membranes, which makes breathing difficult, and swells the veins in the eyes, causing the eyes to close. These effects last 20-30 minutes and cause no permanent damage.

Sorry, no Pepper Spray orders to New York or out of the USA

Shipping is FREE (Continental USA orders only) if you order a minimum of $75.00 from our web site. Otherwise we will add $8.50 shipping.

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pepper pagerdefense sprayThe PepperPAGER contains two Pepper Shot™ 1/2 oz. cannisters. Both cannisters fire at once releasing twice the amount of pepper as a standard 1/2 oz. It has an effective range of 8-12 feet and contains 10-12 one second bursts. Unique design makes it look like an ordinary you a distinct tactical advantage. PP-10

*** Discontinued Product ***

1/2 ounce pepper sprays, 2 ounce pepper sprays, 4 ounce pepper sprays,
Pepper Pens, Pepper Pager, Tri-Pack

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